New Book Announcement: “Rise of the Water Margin” by Christopher Bates

Rise of the Water Margin, Christoper Bates (inter-fas, February 2022)
Rise of the Water Margin, Christoper Bates (inter-fas, February 2022)

Rise of the Water Margin immerses the reader in a near-future world grounded in American and Chinese cultural and political landscapes bickering over climate responsibility wherein technology challenges humanity to redefine its relationship with the Earth. Nations seek to leverage and subvert technology to further political ambitions while losing sight of human elements beyond their control—lust, corruption, greed, piety, revenge, freedom of expression and longing for acceptance. In the background is the tangled whorl of the Jianghu—the Rivers and Lakes of China’s wuxia demimonde—ever seeking to evade the surveillance state, ever seeking justice in an unjust world.


Rise of the Water Margin by Christopher Bates
inter-fas publications, February 2022 (ISBN 9798985777109)