New Book Announcement: “Subcontinent Adrift: Strategic Futures of South Asia” by Feroz Hassan Khan

Subcontinent Adrift: Strategic Futures of South Asia, Feroz Hassan Khan (Cambria, August 2022)
Subcontinent Adrift: Strategic Futures of South Asia, Feroz Hassan Khan (Cambria, August 2022)

This study identifies the latent and emergent drivers behind the mounting acrimony in South Asia—notably, India’s ambitions as a “rising power” coupled with the resurgence of China and Pakistan’s strategic anxiety as the United States unmoors itself from Afghanistan and embraces India. India is similarly concerned as China advances its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) across the region, developing a network of economic and strategic hubs and bringing India’s neighbors into China’s embrace through its strategy of peripheral diplomacy. Countries in the region are attracted by the new opportunities offered through the BRI, which in turn undercuts India’s national objectives and provides new incentives for Pakistan to balance against India. Khan elucidates the intricacies of such external drivers vis-à-vis the internal factors of both countries and their ramifications in various scenarios.


Subcontinent Adrift: Strategic Futures of South Asia
by Feroz Hassan Khan
Cambria, August 2022