New Book Announcement: “The Second Karmapa Karma Pakshi” by Charles Manson

The Second Karmapa Karma Pakshi: Tibetan Mahasiddha, by Charles Manson (Shambhala Publications, November 2022(
The Second Karmapa Karma Pakshi: Tibetan Mahasiddha, by Charles Manson (Shambhala Publications, November 2022)

Karma Pakshi is considered influential in the development of the reincarnate lama tradition, a system that led to the lineage of the Dalai Lamas. Born in East Tibet in the 13th century, Karma Pakshi himself was the first master to be named Karmapa, a lineage that continues to modern times and has millions of admirers worldwide. During his lifetime, Karma Pakshi was widely acknowledged as a mahāsiddha—a great spiritual adept—and was therefore invited to the Mongol court at the apogee of its influence in Asia.

This first-ever comprehensive biography of Karma Pakshi in English reveals new information about a pivotal historical figure in the development of Tibetan Buddhism and his interactions with two Mongol emperors. Also included are translations of several newly available songs attributed to Karma Pakshi and translations of ten excerpts of his writings on reincarnation, meditation, and more.


The Second Karmapa Karma Pakshi by Charles Manson
Shambhala Publications, November 2022