Podcast with Ruth Vanita, author of “A Slight Angle”

Ruth Vanita

A Slight Angle, the newest novel from Indian writer Ruth Vanita, is a story about love. Difficult love—her six characters are growing up in 1920s India, which takes a dim view of same-sex relationships, and those that transcend religious boundaries. Like Sharad, the jewelry designer who falls in love with his teacher, Abhik—only for the embarrassment to keep them apart for decades.



A Slight Angle, Ruth Vanita (Viking India, June 2024)
A Slight Angle, Ruth Vanita (Viking India, June 2024)

Ruth Vanita is the author of many books, most recently The Broken Rainbow: Poems and Translations (Copper Coin Publishing, 2023); the novel Memory of Light (Penguin Random House India, 2022); The Dharma of Justice in the Sanskrit Epics: Debates on Gender, Varna and Species (Oxford University Press, 2022); Love’s Rite: Same-Sex Marriages in Modern India (Penguin Books India, 2005).

Vanita has translated several works from Hindi to English, including Mahadevi Varma’s My Family (Penguin Books India. 2021). She co-edited the path-breaking Same-Sex Love in India, and edited and translated On the Edge: A Hundred Years of Hindi Fiction on Same-Sex Desire (India Viking, 2023).

Nicholas Gordon has an MPhil from Oxford in International Relations and a BA from Harvard. He is a writer, editor and occasional radio host based in Hong Kong.