New Book Annoucement: “un\\martyred: [self-]vanishing presences in Vietnamese poetry” by Nhã Thuyên

un\\martyred: [self-]vanishing presences in Vietnamese poetry , Nha Thuyen (Roof Books, June 2019)
un\\martyred: [self-]vanishing presences in Vietnamese poetry, Nha Thuyen (Roof Books, June 2019)

un\\martyred: [self-]vanishing presences in Vietnamese poetry by Nhã Thuyên, a Hanoi-based poet and critic, is a collection of essays that offers a cartography of the writing communities that have lived (and died) along the margins of Vietnam’s literary landscape since the Renovation period of the late 1980’s.

The collection deftly and delicately navigates the poetry and poetic work of marginalized writers in Vietnam, and their relationship to politics, dissidence, and creative production. un\\martyred examines expansive modes of aesthetic defiance in essays that themselves glimmer with poetic lyricism and precision. The reader voyages through chronicles of political landscapes and the actors toiling within them. Her explorations of Open Mouth, Womxn’s Poetry, Sidewalk Poetry, and more “nourish an emancipated grammar of poetry.”


un\\martyred: [self-]vanishing presences in Vietnamese poetry
by Nhã Thuyên
Roof Books, June 2019 (ISBN 9781931824811)