New Book Announcement: “After the Nobel Prize 1989-1994: The Non-Fiction Writing of Naguib Mahfouz”

After the Nobel Prize 1989-1994: The Non Fiction Writing of Naguib Mahfouz, R Neil Hewison (trans), Rasheed El-Enany (intro)
After the Nobel Prize 1989-1994: The Non Fiction Writing of Naguib Mahfouz, R Neil Hewison (trans), Rasheed El-Enany (intro) (Gingko, July 2020)

Naguib Mahfouz was familiar to newspaper readers across Egypt for his column in the leading daily Al-Ahram, in which he reflected on issues of the day, from domestic and international events, politics and economics to culture. This volume brings together his articles written between January 1989 and the knife attack in October 1994 that almost ended his life.

In carefully crafted short texts his social conscience is revealed as he highlights political shortcomings, economic injustice, and corruption in Egypt and the wider Arab world. His philosophical sensitivity comes to the fore as he contemplates the meaning of a historic event, the contribution of an influential person, or what is required to lead a good life. The collapse of the Soviet Union, the New World Order, the Oslo Peace Accords, the spread of terrorism, the Cairo earthquake and even climate change – these and more come under Naguib Mahfouz’s fine scrutiny.

This is the fourth in a series of Naguib Mahfouz’s non-fiction writings, published for the first time in English translation by Gingko.


After the Nobel Prize 1989-1994: The Non-Fiction Writing of Naguib Mahfouz
translated by R Neil Hewison, with an introduction by Rasheed El-Enany
Gingko, July 2020 (ISBN 9781909942134)