New Book Announcement: “Returning East” by Lauca

Returning East, Lauca (February 2022)
Returning East, Lauca (February 2022)

To keep a promise to his calligraphy teacher, JJ travels on the ocean liner “Le Cambodge” to Shanghai via Hong Kong in 1954. On board, he makes friend with Fred, and JJ’s longing for friendship will divert him from keeping his promise. After being stranded in Hong Kong with no money or passport, JJ agrees to cross illegally the China border and to become involved in a shady art deal.

The challenges JJ faces slowly weaken his friendship with Fred and JJ realises how much his childhood trauma is shaping his present. Will JJ honour his word to his teacher and free himself from his guilty past?


Returning East by Lauca (February 2022, ISBN 9783982416007)