New Book Announcement: “Teaching the Young: The Early Childhood Development Profession in India”

Teaching the Young: The Early Childhood Development Profession in India, Kinnari Pandya, Jigisha Shastri, Vrinda Datta (eds) (Orient BlackSwan, February 2024)
Teaching the Young: The Early Childhood Development Profession in India, Kinnari Pandya, Jigisha Shastri, Vrinda Datta (eds) (Orient BlackSwan, February 2024)

Care and education of young children is crucial for a nation’s development and the early years teacher is the most important person in a child’s life after her parents. While early education has been in the hands of informally qualified educators in India for the past several decades, the National Education Policy 2020 has emphasized the need for qualified and skilled teachers to transact a quality early childhood programme.

Teaching the Young: The Early Childhood Development Profession in India brings together insights from academics, practitioners and organizations working on the professional development of early years teachers. This book is a must-read for developing a comprehensive understanding of the early childhood profession in India.


Teaching the Young: The Early Childhood Development Profession in India
edited by Kinnari Pandya, Jigisha Shastri, Vrinda Datta
Orient BlackSwan, February 2024