New Book Announcement: “Belief”, edited by JF Garrard, Allan Cho, Dawn Chow, Silvia Leung

Belief, JF Garrard (trans), Allan Cho (trans), Dawn Chow (trans), Silvia Leung (trans) (Dark Helix Press, April 2021)
Belief, JF Garrard (trans), Allan Cho (trans), Dawn Chow (trans), Silvia Leung (trans) (Dark Helix Press, April 2021)

A new anthology from Canada’s renowned Ricepaper Magazine, this third collection in the Ricepaper Magazine series includes short stories, poetry, and nonfiction by writers of Asian descent from across the world. The theme which binds the collection is “belief”, a notion personal to each individual sharing a piece of themselves in their works.

Within the Belief anthology, the honorable Joy Kogawa shares her lifelong lessons scribbled in her diary, Carmen Chan shares the trauma experienced by the women in her family in the new world, and Garry Engkent describes how introducing the egg roll at his family’s restaurant causes a heated controversy in Thibeault Falls. The late Jim Wong-Chu reflects on what the first railway workers would have thought about the ritual of Christmas.

Each author contributing to this new collection shares a conviction of truth shaping the reality of life in the Asian diaspora.


Belief, edited by JF Garrard, Allan Cho, Dawn Chow, Silvia Leung
Dark Helix Press, April 2021 (ISBN 9781988416311)