New Book Announcement: “Stone Masters: Power Encounters in Mainland Southeast Asia”, edited by Holly High

Stone Masters: Power Encounters in Mainland Southeast Asia, Holly High (ed.) (NUS Press, May 2022)
Stone Masters: Power Encounters in Mainland Southeast Asia, Holly High (ed.) (NUS Press, May 2022)

Stones and those who speak for and to them are an important focus of animist religious practice in Southeast Asia, sometimes integrated into world religions, and sometimes not. This book features city pillars, statues, megaliths, termite mounds, mountains, rocks found in forests, and stones that have been moved to shrines, as well as the territorial cults which can form around them. The contributors extend and deepen the recent literature on animism to form a new analytical perspective on these cults across mainland Southeast Asia.


Stone Masters: Power Encounters in Mainland Southeast Asia
edited by Holly High
NUS Press, May 2022 (ISBN 9789813251700)